MCMIS Catalog Company Safety Profile
The Company Safety Profile (CSP) is the most comprehensive single summary of a specific carrier's national safety performance. The CSP is available from the DOT/Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) record system known as the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). This web page describes the profiles as currently implemented.
The current profile includes the following general categories of information in its reports:
- Carrier identity and operation.
- History of Safety/Compliance Reviews (SR/CR), Educational Contacts (EC) and Federal safety ratings.
- History of enforcement cases.
- Crash summary of 4 years, individual crashes of 1-2 years (from State crash reports).
- Inspection summary of 2 years, individual inspections for 1-2 years [from both Federal (MCS-63) and State (SAFETYNET) sources].
The CSP provides Federal and State investigative personnel with national information on interstate carriers and some intrastate carriers. This information is used to assist in carrying out a specific action on the carrier. For example, a CSP may be used as an adjunct to a Federally-conducted or State-conducted Compliance Review, a complaint investigation, an enforcement action or any similar investigation.
The CSP is also available to the public through the MCMIS Data Dissemination Program.
The CSP contains the most current information in MCMIS and may be many pages long for a carrier. The profile, therefore, should be requested for individual carriers as needed. From Federal and State offices, it is requested by modem, printed locally and is normally available within minutes of the request. For other requesters (public) it can be ordered and delivered on paper or CD-ROM by mail.
This web page has been organized to assist the user in interpreting the data presented in a CSP. The bulk of this web page is dedicated to presenting the various reports contained in a profile and defining the data elements shown on these reports. A section on how to obtain a CSP has also been included.
The CSP is a set of detailed reports generated from MCMIS. As the name suggests, the CSP provides a profile on a motor carrier that operates trucks or buses on U.S. roads.
Data contained in the CSP reports are obtained through various sources:
- Motor Carrier Identification Report (MCS-150).
- Motor Carrier Safety/Compliance Reviews and Educational contacts (MCS-151, Parts A-D).
- Enforcement Reports (MCS-32A).
- State-contributed crash reports.
- Motor Carrier Driver/Vehicle Inspection Report (MCS-63) and State-submitted inspection reports.
CSP Reports
- Carrier Operations/Safety Ratings.
- SafeStat History.
- Enforcement Data.
- Crashes - 4 Yr. Summary.
- Individual Crashes - Min: 1 Yr., Max: 2 Yrs.
- Inspections - 2 Yr. Summary.
- Inspection Characteristics - 2 Yr. Summary.
- Individual Inspections - Min: 1 Yr., Max: 2 Yrs.
- Reports not Printed.
- State Point of Contact Listing.
Single CSP Request
- There is a $20.00 fee to request a profile. Send order form & payment to:
Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Office of Registration and Safety Information, W65-206
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590
CSPs are available to the public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). However, certain information in the CSP, namely Driver Data, contains private information that is not covered by FOIA and will not be included in a CSP that is disseminated to the public. Of course, a company may have access to its own Driver Data. For this reason, Driver Data will only be released to those who are registered as authorized recipients of that information.
To register as an authorized recipient of Driver Data, you need to fax your request to (606) 330-3802.
Your request should include the following:
- It should be on your company letterhead.
- It should include the USDOT number of your company.
- The letter must be signed by a representative of the company.
If you have any questions about this process, please call the FMCSA Information Line at 1-800-832-5660.
A Company Safety Profile can be obtained on paper, or CD-ROM by contacting the following:
Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Office of Registration and Safety Information, W65-206
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590
A $27.50 fee is charged for each carrier profile and is payable by check or money order. View the complete Price List. [Opens in New Window]
CSP: Company Safety Profile
Federal Form MCS-150: A form used by the FMCSA to collect general identification data from motor carriers.
Federal Form MCS-151 (Part A): The first page of the Safety/Compliance Review. It provides identifying data about the motor carrier (i.e. name, address, number of trucks, etc.).
FMCSA: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: This is the office within the Department of Transportation (DOT) responsible for monitoring and developing safety standards for commercial motor vehicles and drivers operating in interstate commerce.
MCMIS: Motor Carrier Management Information System: This is the DOT/FMCSA central depository of data concerning the safety and operation of interstate, and some intrastate, commercial motor carriers on the nation's highways. MCMIS is organized into five information areas:
- Census - Information which identifies a carrier's name, address, type of cargo transported, number of trucks, number of drivers, etc.
- Inspection - Information regarding individual safety inspections conducted by State and Federal personnel. The collection and processing of this information by states is funded through the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP).
- Crash - Information regarding individual crashes in which a motor carrier has been involved. This data is reported by State personnel through MCSAP.
- Safety/Compliance/Educational Contact Reviews - Information regarding a federally-conducted or state-conducted review of a carrier's compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety and Hazardous Materials Regulations.
- Enforcement - Information regarding closed enforcement actions against individual motor carriers
MCMIS Data Dissemination Program: A program sponsored by the FMCSA which provides information to the general public for a minimal charge.
MCSAP: Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program. Federal program which funds states' collection and processing of safety related data.
SAFETYNET: A microcomputer system which is used by states participating in MCSAP and by FMCSA offices. Information on safety inspections conducted by states and crashes involving motor carriers is shared with the FMCSA through this computer system.
Click on the links below to open a printable version of the order forms for the various reports available.
CSP Order Form [Opens in New Window]
The information contained in this profile represents all the usable data that has been reported to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration through the requirements of State and Federal Programs
NOTICE: This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its components or use thereof.
QUESTIONS: Inspection and Crash data in the profile are sent to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration by state enforcement agencies. Only State enforcement agencies can resolve concerns about missing or inaccurate Inspection or Crash information. The contact in each State is listed at the end of the profile. To resolve any other questions about the document, please call or write to:
Department of Transportation
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Office of Registration and Safety Information, W65-206
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20590
Email: via the web form